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Scholarships in USA

Marconi International University Scholarships 2024 Admissions

Study in USA with Scholarships for free in 2024

Marconi International University (MIU) is accepting online applications for a number of scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic session, dedicated to different categories of students who qualify and comply with all the requirements. Some of the scholarships are available for online distant studies, while others are accessible for both online and on-campus studies.

Marconi International University’s main focus is to bring students together from all over the world, regardless of race, religion, and political orientation and now lets discuss Marconi university scholarship eligibility criteria which is based on a combination of criteria that ensures the potential of each applicant. Scholarship preferences will be aimed at both domestic and international applicants, whether or not they possess a non-immigrant US visa.

Marconi International University Scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate degree levels. which means any student may can apply subject to a formal review, evaluation, and decision by the scholarship committee.

List of Marconi International University Scholarships:

  • OAS US scholarships
  • Hispanic and Caribbean undergraduate and graduate scholarships
  • African, Asian, and middle eastern undergraduate and graduate scholarships
  • European undergraduate and graduate scholarships
  • Military and veterans scholarships
  • Florida resident adult and professional students scholarships
  • Merit-based Marconi undergraduate and graduate scholarships
  • Marconi Excellence Scholarships

Programs offered Under Marconi International University Scholarships:

  • Master in Design Management
  • Master of Science in International Business Administration
  • Master of Science in Education Leadership, Management, and Emerging Technologies
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Benefits of Marconi International University Scholarships:

Mar­coni In­ter­na­tional Uni­ver­sity’s pro­grams are very com­pet­i­tively priced, mak­ing ed­u­ca­tion afford­able and ac­ces­si­ble for stu­dents. Thanks to MIU’s pay­ment plans, stu­dents have the op­por­tu­nity to pay their tu­ition fees in in­stall­ments.

In addition, Marconi offers discounts for early payments and for upfront enrollments in the full course (60 Credits), as well as other assistance for people with special needs so Marconi university scholarships covers following benefits:

  • The course tuition fee includes training and access to the virtual classroom, the use of study and communication tools, and interactive materials. Third-party materials, such as textbooks, are not included, although students have access to special offers through Marconi.
  • Other administrative costs may include certificates, examinations, duplicates, etc.
  • You can apply for The Organization of American States (OAS) Academic Scholarship Program for degrees studied at Marconi International University and save up to 60% on tuition. The program grants undergraduate and graduates scholarships every year to successful applicants belonging to the 35 independent states of the Americas for the pursuit of higher education studies.
  • MIU pro­vides scholarships of up to 50% of the tuition cost for ap­pli­cants who have suc­cess­fully grad­u­ated from a rec­og­nized higher ed­u­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tion (high school or uni­ver­sity) in Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Mid­dle East, Latin America and the Caribbean and wish to con­tinue their stud­ies online with Mar­coni In­ter­na­tional Uni­ver­sity.
  • MIU pro­vides an award of 30% of the cost of tu­ition for both the on­line and on cam­pus pro­grams for the follow­ing cat­e­gories of mil­i­tary and vet­er­an stu­dents:
      1. Ac­tive Duty
      2. Re­serve Mil­i­tary Vet­er­ans
      3. Spouse/De­pen­dent of Ac­tive Duty or Re­serve
  • A scholarship of up to 50% of the cost of tu­ition is pro­vided for Florida res­i­dent adult stu­dents aged 28-55 who wish to en­roll in either an online or on-campus grad­u­ate or post­grad­u­ate pro­gram.
  • MIU offers merit-based schol­ar­ships of 20% of the tuition cost for on­line or on-cam­pus pro­grams to do­mes­tic and in­ter­na­tional stu­dents who ob­tained a min­i­mum GPA of 2.9 in their previous studies (high school, bachelor’s, or master’s).
  • MIU offers 300 excellent scholarships a year, for up to 60% of the cost of tuition, towards online programs delivered in Spanish or English, to provide educational opportunities to international students in the Americas who demonstrate high potential.

Eligibility Criteria for Marconi International University Scholarships:

Candidates who are eligible to apply for Marconi International University Scholarships are:

  • Applicants who have successfully graduated from a recognized higher education institution (high school or university) in Latin America or the Caribbean are eligible for Hispanic and Caribbean undergraduate and graduate scholarships.
  • Ap­pli­cants who have suc­cess­fully grad­u­ated from a rec­og­nized higher ed­u­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tion (high school or uni­ver­sity) in Africa, Asia, or the Mid­dle East and wish to con­tinue their stud­ies online with Mar­coni In­ter­na­tional Uni­ver­sity are eligible for African, Asian, and middle eastern undergraduate and graduate scholarship.
  • Ap­pli­cants who have suc­cess­fully grad­u­ated from a rec­og­nized higher ed­u­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tion (high school or uni­ver­sity) in Eu­rope and wish to con­tinue their stud­ies online with Mar­coni In­ter­na­tional Uni­ver­sity are eligible for European undergraduate and graduate scholarship.
  • To re­ceive Military and veteran’s schol­ar­ship, the ac­tive duty or re­serve ser­vice mem­ber, vet­eran, or spouse/de­pen­dent of ac­tive duty or re­serve ser­vice mem­ber will have to com­plete the MIU schol­ar­ship ap­pli­ca­tion and show proof of ser­vice.
  • Applicants who ob­tained a min­i­mum GPA of 2.9 in their pre­vi­ous stud­ies (high school, bachelors, or mas­ters) are eligible for Merit-Based undergraduate and graduate scholarship.
  • Applicant must be a resident of Florida with 2 years of professional experience to be eligible for Florida resident adult and professional student’s scholarship.
  • To be eligible for Excellence Scholarships candidates need to write an essay of 300 words explaining their motivation to enroll at Marconi and why are they considered a high potential candidate along with their updated resume/CV.

Documents Required for Marconi International University Scholarships:

For ad­mis­sion to the bach­e­lor’s de­gree pro­gram, ap­pli­cants must have a high school diploma. And in order to be ad­mit­ted to one of our mas­ter’s pro­grams, ap­pli­cants must pos­sess a valid bach­e­lor’s de­gree.  Grad­u­ates of rec­og­nized aca­d­e­mic in­sti­tu­tions out­side the United States should hold a de­gree equiv­a­lent to a U.S. high school diploma. The Ad­mis­sions Of­fice will in­di­cate how to show equiv­a­lency.

Ap­pli­cants will be con­sid­ered for ad­mis­sion if they sat­isfy the fol­low­ing:

  • Submit a high school diploma/transcripts translated in English for admission in bachelors
  • Submit a bachelor’s degree/transcripts translated in English for admission in masters
  • Submit a completed admissions application
  • Submit a $150 non-refundable application fee
  • Submit an updated resume/CV
  • Copy of valid government-issued ID or passport

IELTS Requirement at Marconi University: Optional

Stu­dents can sub­mit an Eng­lish lan­guage cer­tifi­cate, in­clud­ing TOEFL/IELTS/PTE or IELTS al­ter­na­tive qual­i­fi­ca­tions, such as a de­gree from a uni­ver­sity that con­ducts its pro­grams en­tirely in Eng­lish. MIU pro­vides stu­dents with a free lan­guage as­sess­ment in­ter­view if they do not have a cer­tifi­cate.

Process to Apply for Marconi International University Scholarships:

  • To apply for any of the above listed scholarships, applicant must fulfill the listed eligibility criteria.
  • Applicants must fill out the online form and provide the required documents.
  • The application form will be completed once the requested documents are sent to Marconi International University for admission.
  • The MIU schol­ar­ship com­mit­tee re­view­s every ap­pli­ca­tion and eval­u­ates com­pli­ance with the schol­ar­ship cri­te­ria.

Deadline for Marconi International University Scholarships: Dec 1, 2023

Application deadline for Marconi International University Scholarships for 2024 class of admissions is set to expire on December 1, 2023.

Dr. Youasf Saeed

I am Dr. Engr. Yousaf Saeed, the creator of this Fully Funded Scholarship platform. My academic journey has been marked by securing three significant international scholarships for my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, including the esteemed Australia Awards, CSC, and HKPFS. I am an affiliate of IChemE and have lent my engineering skills to renowned companies such as Aramco and BYCO oil refinery. My scholarly work is published in leading SCI journals, a fact that underscores my academic excellence, visible on my Researchgate Profile. Motivated by my deep-seated passion for education and dedication to fostering emerging scholars, i established this website to serve as a guiding light for international students aspiring to pursue their education abroad. As a distinguished educationist and mentor, i am specialized in steering students through the complexities of research and the journey towards achieving patents. Through this platform, I offer invaluable insights and mentorship, shining a light on pathways to fully funded scholarships, exchange programs, internships, and rewarding research career trajectories. My mission is to help students navigate the vast educational opportunities abroad, ensuring they grasp the chances that will shape their promising futures. Whereas you can also choose to follow me on my social media: - Facebook - Linkedin - Youtube